Wild Card Delight

family-trip-to-burghley-horse-trialsWell, all those who told me having a baby would change my life and I wouldn’t be able to carry on doing what I was doing – how wrong you were!

Annabelle has changed my life completely, being the most amazing little bundle of joy anyone could ever ask for, but she hasn’t stopped me doing anything I did before she came along. So, this has been another busy month for me and the horses.

I have been busy enjoying lots of family time including a busy week with my nephew, Thomas and niece, Jessica   both training for the Pony Club Grassroots Championships along with their teammate, Cobby.

We worked hard on test riding, giving them every chance of doing well at the championships for the Brocklesby Pony Club. Tom did a lovely test to come third with 76%, Cobby did the same to come second in her section but unfortunately the judges didn’t like Jessica’s test with her comments saying she was slightly over bent but as an eight-year-old I would rather be that, than not on the bit but hey ho.

I had to explain to Jess this happens sometimes and that’s dressage for you! The team came a very creditable fifth overall, with one member missing, away on holiday.

I had two brilliant lessons with Rhett Bird in preparation for the National Championships having found out that I did indeed get a wild card, so it’s all systems go in training to get both Felix and myself up to full fitness.

One of our Cyden ponies, Pilot has gone out on loan to a lovely pony rider, Sophie Williams, to educate him and bring him on from a young, inexperienced pony to hopefully an FEI  schoolmaster for my nephew, nieces or even my own Annabelle to ride.

I’ve had a busy month at work. Cyden Homes’ year end is at the end of October so there are lots of new homes going over in September and October which means there’s lots of snagging for me to do.

I am exceptionally lucky that Annabelle is so easy, she just comes along with me and sleeps, feeds, winds and sleeps again allowing me to just carry on my job of making sure the houses are up to the high standard of finish that Cyden Homes expects.

We have managed our first little holiday to Burghley Horse Trials for four days; this is a yearly family reunion for us all and normally my yearly shopping spree. This year it was very much Annabelle’s and not mine!

I look forward to telling you all about the Nationals in my next blog. Having got my wild card, I am so proud to have competed at the winter and summer regionals and now both national championships, as well as giving birth to our first child.

Nothing can hold me back, it’s official – if you want something enough you will do anything to get it and that’s me!

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