Welcome Annabelle Rose Edwards

Well, where do I begin, our little bundle of joy aka Annabelle Rose Edwards joined the world on Tuesday 28th June at 1.51pm weighing 8lbs. 4.5 ounces and what a delight she has been.

I cannot believe what a joy she has brought to both Gary and my life. She is a very good girl enjoying her feed but also her sleep, I was very pleased that at her five day check-up she had not lost any of her birth weight, as is usannabelle-rose-edwardsually the case. Clearly taking after her daddy in this department, keep her well fed and you don’t hear anything from her!

Annabelle has already had her first sit on our little Welsh section A pony, Willow and didn’t seem too bothered, so I just need to wait until she can support her own head and then basket saddle shopping will be necessary!

After an eight week rest and living out on the grass, I have also been back on board Felix. As soon as I had given birth I text Jess, my yard manager, to say “please can you start lunging Felix to bring him back into work slowly as I will be back on as soon as I can.”

Seven days after giving birth I was back in the saddle and what a feeling he gave me. The time off has done him the world of good, his body has matured as well as his brain. He seems to have taken to the break very well and is now pleased to be back in work.

Although I am taking it easy and not rushing things with him and myself, I have made the difficult decision to concentrate on the Winter Regional Championships now, having decided not to compete in the Regional’s at the end of July.

I wouldn’t have been prepared physically and Felix would have needed a few outings before, which given Annabelle was 10 days late just didn’t give me enough time to do this, and I didn’t want to miss any of these precious early days with Annabelle, as I will never get the time back.

It has been a busy month for my nieces and nephews too, from show jumping at the Brocklesby Country Fair to Pony Club One Day Events and finally the junior area dressage.

This was one of the first times I have been able to watch my sisters’ two children, Pippa and Alice compete and it was fantastic watching them complete their dressage tests and then two lovely show jumping rounds with both of them finishing in the top five.

My brothers’ two children Jessica and Tom also had success after a week of intense training.  Jessica came fourth in her section at junior area dressage with 68.75% and Tom won his section by over five percent on 74.3%, with the team then also winning and qualifying for the National Championships. I really couldn’t be more proud!

This month Prada and Leia have come back home from South Grange Stud and are loving life in the field. It is lovely to have them home and have my own cuddles but I can’t thank the Milner’s enough for the safe delivery of Leia and for looking after them so well.

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