31 Weeks Pregnant and Competing at The Nationals

After a few quieter weeks post the Regionals, the horses have all been out hacking and have been concentrating on stretching to loosen them off following a few weeks of quite intense work.
At the end of March I was keen to take Felix for a pre-Nationals outing to Sheepgate and although many would think one horse would be enough to ride at 28 weeks pregnant, I decided it would be a lovely opportunity for Bodyguard to have an outing too as he missed out at the Regionals due to my illness.

The boys didn’t disappoint at all – Felix scored all plus 70% scores in all six tests, winning five of them and Bodyguard scored his highest ever Prix St Georges score of plus 72% as well as 68% plus in his Inter 1.

We headed down to the Nationals with Felix for his first ever national competition, allowing plenty of time to do the arena walk. It was my Elementary Music test first and the music was very loud but he was brilliant.

I was a little disappointed with our score 71.43% given he got plus 76% at the Regionals and I felt this was a lot more expressive test. We finished in 8th position which, at our first Nationals together and for a horse who has not being easy from the day he was broken, I cannot complain, I had changed my floor plan a little and although one judge loved it, giving us a nine for music and floor plan, the other two judges weren’t so keen, only giving us a seven. Artistic marks in music are so expensive if the judges don’t appreciate the floor plan or music, but at least I knew it wasn’t him they didn’t like, so I had it all to ride for on Thursday.

After a calm arena walk, I went into the test feeling confident and he gave me another lovely round, no mistakes and although maybe fractionally coming behind the vertical at times, which is his way of hiding when nerves set in, he was with me all the way and gave me such a lovely feeling in the test itself.

I was a little disappointed with the score, 71.04% but was over the moon with Felix and we were placed 5th but I was a little gutted not to be in the top three.
However, spending Thursday night reviewing the comments from our previous tests and watching my videos, I decided I needed to allow him more time and not to rush as much, especially in my Medium work, but what I didn’t take into consideration was this test was a Novice test and actually should be loose, forward and free.

As soon as I watched my video, I knew straight away what I was doing wrong. I was going nowhere and Felix wasn’t working from behind, so in true ‘me-style’, I was totally gutted and annoyed with myself.

Other than a few stitches in the warm up, baby Edwards (Dyson) was very well behaved. I have to say a huge thank you to Lili Brooksby of Fur Feather Meds, for making sure me and baby were comfortable by kitting us out with the larger breeches and stock shirt, and also Flying Changes for making me a special pregnancy jacket that I can have taken in once the baby arrives.
I am so proud of Felix and how he coped with the atmosphere at this brilliant show and it has given me lots of confidence for the future. Thank you to Laura and Tracey Milner who have bred and given me the ride on this super talented horse which I also now part-own.

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